Caitlin Saladrigas

Caitlin Saladrigas

Address 530 Sunset Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone Number (954) 494-3891

Organization/Company Holland & Knight LLP

Job Title Litigation Partner

What I Do As a litigation partner, I lead high-stakes antitrust, data privacy, and complex business dispute matters. I represent clients across industries and have experience representing private equity funds, health care providers, and high net worth individuals as well as industry leading insurance carriers, cruise lines, and media companies. In this role, I supervise other lawyers, direct strategy around factually, legally, and reputationally complex issues, and navigate providing concierge level litigation services to clients facing significant and sometimes bet-the-company risk in court.

Company Website

Industry Legal Services

Preferred Address 777 South Flagler Drive, Suite 1900, West Tower | West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Preferred Email

Preferred Phone 9544943891

My preferred contact information is my: Business

Birth Month and Day February 20

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