Amy R. Brand, MNM, CFRE

Member Spotlight
Amy Brand

Amy R. Brand, MNM, CFRE

Philanthropy Tank, CEO

Amy's EWPBF involvement so far

  • Member since February 2015 and a board member from July 2018-23
  • President of the board (2021-22) and vice president of community outreach (2020-21)
  • Chair of Women in Leadership Awards (WILA) 2019

Favorite motivational quotes:

“If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run farther, run together.”
~African proverb

Our Q & A with Amy

What made you want to join EWPBF?
I was impressed by the caliber of the members. I wanted to be a part of a group of female executives who excelled in their careers and could empathize and identify with the challenges and issues facing women in business.

How has EWPBF helped your career so far?
I have felt supported by these tremendous women willing to provide resources and connectivity to assist in career growth and success.

How has EWPBF helped your personal connections with other professional women so far?
My EWPBF friends have introduced me to new opportunities that have developed my leadership skills. One such opportunity has been my involvement with Leadership Palm Beach County (LPBC), where I now serve as the co-chair of the LPBC Grow program for high school juniors.

What is your proudest moment since joining EWPBF?
I am proud to have served as president of the organization and have worked to reengage and reconnect members as we surfaced from the pandemic. It was great to bring back a successful in-person WILA!

What has been your most challenging moment since joining EWPBF?
I think we all struggled with staying connected and involved during the lockdown. We were innovative in providing quality virtual programming during this time.

Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about why EWPBF is important to you?
EWPBF celebrates women who have succeeded as leaders in their careers and community roles. I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful organization!