WILA Sponsorship Opportunities

Women in Leadership Awards Luncheon 2025 Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

 To become a sponsor or to discuss a tailored proposal contact WILA Chair
Katie Newitt at (561) 719-9847 or email director@ewpb.org.

Inspiration Sponsor


  • 10 luncheon tickets and 6 invitations to the pre-event reception
  • Prominent listing on the luncheon and pre-event reception invitations
  • Recognition as the Empowering Women in the Workplace sponsor on all promotional items,
    including press releases, social media posts, fliers, and emails
  • Verbal recognition at the luncheon and pre-event reception
    Inside front, inside back or center fold full page advertising opportunity in luncheon program
  • VIP preferred luncheon table seating and signage
    Presenting sponsor for one WILA main award category
    (Non-Profit Sector, Private Sector, Public Sector, or Volunteer)
  • Introduction of the selected award recipient
  • Name and logo recognition in luncheon program and on signage
  • Name and logo recognition in print ads and PSAs
  • Recognition in pre- and post-event press releases
  • Name and logo on the EWPBF website
  • Recognition on EWPBF social media sites

Motivational Sponsor


  • 10 luncheon tickets and 6 invitations to the pre-event reception
  • Listing on the luncheon and pre-event reception invitations
  • Verbal recognition at the luncheon and pre-event reception
  • Full page advertising opportunity in luncheon program
  • Preferred luncheon table seating and table signage
  • Name and logo recognition in the luncheon program and on signage
    Name and logo recognition in print ads & PSA’s
    Recognition in pre- and post-event press releases
  • Name and logo on the EWPBF website
  • Recognition on EWPBF social media sites

Integrity Sponsor


  • 10 luncheon tickets and 4 invitations to the pre-event reception
  • Listing on the luncheon and pre-event reception invitations
  • Verbal recognition at the luncheon and the pre-event reception
  • Preferred luncheon table seating with table signage
  • Half page ad in luncheon program
  • Name and logo recognition in program and on signage
  • Recognition in pre- and post-event press release
  • Name and logo on EWPBF website
  • Recognition on EWBPF social media sites

Table Sponsor


  • 10 luncheon tickets and 2 invitations to the pre-event reception
  • Name recognition in luncheon program
  • Table signage

½ Table Sponsor


  • 5 luncheon tickets and 1 invitation to the Pre-event reception
  • Name recognition in luncheon program
  • Table signage

Community Sponsor


  • 1 luncheon ticket and 1 invitation to the pre-event reception
  • 2 luncheon tickets for 2 scholarship students
  • Photograph with the students prior to the event
  • Name recognition in the luncheon program

Opportunity Sponsor


  • 2 luncheon tickets and 1 invitation to the pre-event reception
  • Name recognition in the luncheon program
  • Verbal recognition at the Pre-event reception
  • Opportunity to sit at a preferred table with other Opportunity Sponsors

Signature Sponsor $400 (EWPBF Members) $550 (EWPBF Non-Members)

  • 1 ticket to the luncheon and pre-event reception
  • Name recognition in the luncheon program
Official Event Sponsor of
Executive Women of the Palm Beaches