Monica Manolas

Member Spotlight

Monica Manolas

Ash Grove, Region President

Monica's EWPBF involvement so far

I became a member of EWPB in 2006, right after my youngest son turned one and I could disconnect my portable breast pump and was ready to start getting back into service and community. I immediately got involved in several committees including membership and programs and then chaired WILA before being elected as the 30th President of the organization.

Bucket List "Top 3"

I was diagnosed with early stage but very aggressive triple negative breast cancer in 2013. I was one of the fortunate women who escaped this horrible disease over 10 years ago. Because of that diagnosis, I have lived my life without regrets and am living my "bucket list" every day. I cherish every adventure and follow the passions I have each year as they come. Nothing sits on a list for "some day."

Our Q & A with Monica

What made you want to join EWPBF?

My passion for women’s leadership and service

How has EWPBF helped your career so far?

I faced many career crossroads during my time with EWPB including corporate takeovers and job changes. The women in the organization provided counsel, comfort and encouragement during some of the most difficult of those times. I am now a President of an $1B revenue organization, something I always wanted to do. I definitely give credit to EWPB in helping get me here.

How has EWPBF helped your personal connections with other professional women so far?

The women leaders of Palm Beach County that I have met, advocated for and learned from in EWPB have led to many doors opening both personally and professionally. I am grateful for the wonderful women leaders in our organization that have taught me so much about service, leadership and friendship. I cherish being mentored by our founder, Cynthia Allen Gracey before she passed. The most valuable advice she ever gave me was that EWPB was founded to change the consciousness of women’s leadership in Palm Beach County. That was always my north star in what we were trying to do with the organization. It has been part of my guiding principles when trying to impact the world that I now have influence in as a leader in the construction materials business.

What is your proudest moment since joining EWPBF?

My proudest moments since joining have included the mentorships with some of our scholarship recipients during my time in membership, and the advocacy that we were able to do on behalf of women in the pubic, non-profit and private sectors during my time as President.

Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about why EWPBF is important to you:

EWPB is only what you are willing to put into it. You can meet some amazing women and grow your personal and professional life leaps and bounds, but you have to get connected and stay involved.