5520 PGA Blvd.
St 200
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Phone Number (561) 746-7111
Organization/Company Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce
Job Title Senior Director of Business Development
What I Do As Palm Beach North Chamber’s Senior Director of Business Development, Brittany’s primary role is to direct, guide, execute and oversee member and investor engagement, including related marketing strategy and business initiatives for the Palm Beach North Chamber. Brittany is directly responsible for leading and driving member program development and engagement plans, related marketing strategy and messaging, investor relations programs, accounts receivable and investor fulfillment, customer service and database management.
Company Website
Industry Nonprofit
Preferred Address 5520 PGA Blvd., Suite 200, Palm Bach Gardens, FL 33418
Preferred Email
Preferred Phone 5617483952
My preferred contact information is my: Business
Birth Month and Day March 26