Brittany Wade

Brittany Wade

Address 1301 Summit Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Phone Number (303) 775-3068

Organization/Company Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society

Job Title Annual Giving Manager

What I Do Responsible for raising significant funds through mid-level gift prospect cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship with a special focus on individual giving, annual giving, and Big Cat Society memberships all to support the upcoming capital campaign and the Zoo's exciting future. Manages the VIP Tour program as well as supports in grant writing and fundraising event execution.

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Industry Accounting

Preferred Address Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society 1301 Summit Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Preferred Email

Preferred Phone 561-533-0887 x222

My preferred contact information is my: Business

Birth Month and Day 04/25/1990

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